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About Us

We’re a charitable organization that improves lives

McAbbAS Foundation

Mc Abbas Foundation is a neutral charity organization – non-governmental, non-profitable that established in 2020, a Canadian charitable organization dedicated to empowering the disadvantaged people of the world by providing effective humanitarian aid and sustainable development programs around the world, this organization is set up to help fulfil our late son Ahmed Elradi “Abbas” dreams. Ahmed’s body departure has formed a gap in our souls that will never be filled, but the survival of his kindness, beliefs, compassion, and altruism is still there and we can hear him calling the depth of our emotions and urging us to do more and continue the path that he started; his moral revolution is still flowing from Heaven to Earth, filling the depths of our senses with hope and action, calling from distance “will humanity awaken soon?”.

From this rostrum, we, the family of Ahmed, declare that the foundation of this charitable organization is an extension of Ahmed’s humanitarian acts. Helping vulnerable people is evidence of spiritual progress and moral serenity … This is what it was for Ahmed. Mc Abbas Foundation supports minority, marginalized & needy people to acquire all basic services, get equal rights, and maintain their livelihoods sustainably. Mc Abbas Foundation adopts a set of ethical rules & regulations that keep staff members & the organization image safe.

What are our specific objectives

Mc Abbas Foundation is committed to realize its goals, including the following interventions:
1. Support the educational process for indigent students in various stages of education, and fight poverty.
2. Enable vulnerable individuals to have easy access to food, drinking water, and medicine.
3. Provide emotional and material alternatives to deprived orphans.
4. Educate rural communities, especially women and youth, on the successful practices for social-economic empowerment to become self-sufficient in basic living needs.
5. Provide the most practical technologies to serve the local communities’ basic needs.
6. Train local communities with scientific practices to maintain sustainable health and hygiene.
7. Cooperate with governments, institutions, and agencies to facilitate the delivery of donations to the most needed people.

Donation Program

Every contribution helps!
Your gift is used to support vital projects

McAbbAS Foundation is a neutral charity organization – non-governmental, non-profitable that established in 2020.


11170 Hidden Valley Dr . NW, Calgary, AB, T3A 5Z6 Canada

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MCAbbAS Charity Foundation © 2025. All Rights Reserved.